Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's a........

Status: 23 weeks, 6 days

I'll admit, I'm behind (what's new?). I had planned to write this post almost 2 weeks ago, but it never happened. And then Iced-out Atlanta happened, and well, here we are.
So back to the topic at hand....

It's A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had our ultrasound and everything looked great. Baby Girl is growing right along schedule. At the time of the ultrasound (22 weeks) she had an estimated weight of 1lb 1oz. She has all her fingers and toes, all her body parts, and she's a wiggly little thing!

I have been enjoying feeling her flipping and stretching for several weeks now, and yesterday she gave her daddy a swift kick in the hand! He is so funny because he jumps and almost squeals when she does it. So cute.....

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I can just picture Joel jumping and squealing when he feels her kicking! Too funny :) Glad you guys made it home safely, finally.
