Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's a........

Status: 23 weeks, 6 days

I'll admit, I'm behind (what's new?). I had planned to write this post almost 2 weeks ago, but it never happened. And then Iced-out Atlanta happened, and well, here we are.
So back to the topic at hand....

It's A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had our ultrasound and everything looked great. Baby Girl is growing right along schedule. At the time of the ultrasound (22 weeks) she had an estimated weight of 1lb 1oz. She has all her fingers and toes, all her body parts, and she's a wiggly little thing!

I have been enjoying feeling her flipping and stretching for several weeks now, and yesterday she gave her daddy a swift kick in the hand! He is so funny because he jumps and almost squeals when she does it. So cute.....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Change of Plans

Status: 21 weeks, 6 days

I'm not really sure how to go about getting to the point of this post, so I'm just going to say it - we are no longer planning a homebirth. This didn't just happen. Actually, the official decision was made almost 2 weeks ago, but we didn't want to say anything until we knew what our new plan is going to be.

Let me just say right now that NO ONE TALKED US OUT OF IT.

A few things happened throughout the course of this pregnancy that had us re-evaluate the plan to homebirth, and after several events we no longer felt that it was the best decision for us. And I emphasize, for us. At this time.

We both still agree with and support the right of women to choose where and with whom they give birth, and we would consider homebirth as an option in the future. Hospitals are there for a reason, and we feel that their services are necessary for us at this time.

Now, about the new plan.

We are now being seen by the midwives of Intown Midwifery and will be birthing at Atlanta Medical Center in downtown Atlanta, GA. We are really happy with the new practice we chose, as they are well-known in the Atlanta birthing community for their respect for women's bodies and their ability to give birth. They have an amazingly successful VBAC rate, too.

We met with Anjli on December 30th for our first appointment. She was so enthusiastic and reassuring, and she and the rest of the staff made us feel like real people, and not just a number. There was no hurry, nothing mandatory, and just lots of peace and calm.

We listened to the baby's heartbeat with the doppler (I didn't catch what the rate was) and Anjli said I was measuring 24 weeks (I was only 21.3). I joked with her that it better not be twins! My weight gain has been good - I'm still at or about a pound below my pre-pregnancy weight, and she wasn't worried because I am eating and avoiding *most* foods that aren't too healthy.

So that's what's new this week.....